Gimme an "R" Gimme an "E" Gimme a "D" Gimme an "N", wait, how do you spell Redneck?? So went to Hollyweird this weekend and took a chance on a little play called "7 Redneck Cheerleaders." It had disaster written all over it as we sat in one of the 75 folding chairs in a little theater in the heart of Hollywoodland. From the opening scene to the "Oh, Micky you're so fine..." finale we laughed and laughed and scratched our armpits with the cast. The premise is a "play within a play" where actors are portraying actors portraying Red Neck Cheerleaders. It is so inappropriate in the uber PC world in which we live that it brought tears of joy to our eyes despite feeling a twinge of guilt for laughing at the material (just a pinch of guilt between our cheeks and gums, actually). The actors were a bunch of overly talented people who should be famous but aren't because every waiter on the west coast is trying to make it here. There are homos, heteros, bimbos, whinos, egos, and even a ghost of theater past. With references to Steel Magnolias and North Korea in the first act alone you know you're in for a real yee-hawin' treat. If this little ditty comes your way, crack open a can of Milwaukee's Best, throw in your teeth, jump into your F-150 or El Camino and go for a hilarious joy ride for two hours of oh-so-wrong entertainment. '7' gets 3.5 pops out of a six-pack but the extremely talented and diverse cast gets, well, 7!
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